It's truly unbelievable how warm the weather still is. Yes, we've had a few cold days so far, but the last couple of weeks have been averaging 40s and 50s in the daytime with barely freezing temps at night. As a result, the soil is not frozen (not even slightly) and I was able to plant more daffodil bulbs today. Those that I planted a month ago may be casualties as a couple of them actually started to grow in the warm soil -- especially after we got a lot of rain. I hope they all survive.
Given this warm weather (highs in the 50s all of this next week until Friday), I think I'll go get more bulbs and continue to put them in the ground. I also have a big whiskey barrel planter in the back that could be planted with hyacinth and tulips (or something similar) -- up a bit to keep them away from the rabbits.
I have quite a lot of large containers that I'm overwintering in the garage, and I sure hope this warmer weather doesn't cause a problem there. I'll need to make sure they stay watered until they can freeze solid.
I've been getting catalogs over the past couple of weeks and I think I'm going to buy a grow light for this next Spring. I'm not going to start anywhere near as many from seed as I did last year so the light will make healthier seedlings (that I'll be able to start a bit later and, then, transfer to my greenhouses), and I can maybe continue to start seedlings throughout the growing season. I've never done that before. Generally, I do my seeds in the Spring, get the plants into the ground and don't start other plants. However, I'm thinking that I might do a little more layering of my seed-starting next year. Just some thoughts. Can't believe I'm already well into planning for next year when it's only November!