Thursday, September 27, 2012

Master Gardener Work

In early 2011, I took the course and became a Master Gardener and a member of the Outagamie County Master Gardener's Association.  You kind of feel your way along as a new member of anything but, in 2012, the OCMGA needed someone to take over the management of the Facebook page so I took it on.  It has been fun, a good way to earn hours, and a way to get in touch with what's going on with the group.

In the last few months of 2012 I've started working to populate the new website that we've built, and will take on the management of the website going forward.  Now, this week, I've been asked to take over as Executive Secretary of the association and sit on the Board.

Guess I'll need to update my gardening blog with pictures from this past year, and take this whole thing a bit more seriously.